Retirement and Downsizing

Strategic Downsizing for a Financially Secure Retirement

Downsizing at retirement is more than just a lifestyle choice — it’s a strategic financial decision that can significantly impact your retirement savings.

At Berry Financial Services, we understand that for many retirees, selling a larger home and moving to a smaller, more manageable property is not only about simplifying life but also about unlocking the financial potential tied up in your property.

With over 30 years of experience, we specialise in helping high-net-worth individuals navigate the financial intricacies of downsizing, ensuring you make the most of this important transition.

One of the key benefits of downsizing is the ability to boost your superannuation through downsizer contributions.

The Australian government allows eligible individuals to contribute up to $300,000 from the sale of their home into their superannuation fund, providing a valuable opportunity to enhance your retirement savings.

At Berry Financial Services, we guide you through the entire process, ensuring that you understand the rules and maximize the benefits of this incentive.

Our approach begins with a thorough understanding of your financial situation, retirement goals, and long-term needs.

We work closely with you to determine whether downsizing is the right choice for you and how to strategically manage the proceeds from the sale of your home.

Our experts will help you navigate tax implications, investment opportunities, and the best ways to integrate downsizer contributions into your overall retirement strategy.

By partnering with Berry Financial Services, you gain access to a team dedicated to making your downsizing experience both financially rewarding and seamless, helping you secure a comfortable and sustainable retirement.

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